2014年10月30日 星期四

What will happen in Marvel Cinematic Universe

I am going to write something about how I think the stories will develop in the Marvel Cinematic Universe phase 3, after the big announcement yesterday. I am typing in English because I want to hear what the English speaking Marvel Cinematic Universe fans have to say.

First, I think most of the Avengers survive Age of Ultron. After all they (Cap, Stark and Thor) have sequel movies to do so they must survive. Except maybe Hawkeye. In the trailer for Age of Ultron, you can see Bruce Banner visibly disturbed. He is clearly horrified, probably by something the Hulk did.


I think the Hulk killed Hawkeye in their snow chase scenes, he also likely did it under influence from Ultron or Scarlet Witch. Joss Whedon has said an avenger will die in Avengers 2. Hawkeye dies in Avengers 2 was already rumoured until Jeremy Renner said his character would survive and may even have a role in Captain America 3, but I think he was just trying to put a stop to the leaks.

Nobody runs around in snow half-naked. Bruce Banner clearly has just Hulked out. By his facial expression and body language it is clear the Hulk has just done something horrible. The only other character we saw running in the snow was Hawkeye. My conclusion: the Hulk killed Hawkeye.

Another issue is Loki's Scepter. It has been confirmed by Kevin Feige as another Infinity Stone. It is on earth and I assume someone will either offer it to Thanos after Avengers 2 or Thanos will come and get it himself in Avengers 3 or before.

Loki's scepter

Captain America 3 will involve Steve Rogers, Tony Stark and Black Panther. I think this story is not too relevant to Avengers 3 or Thanos.

Robert Downey Jr, Chadwick Boseman and Chris Evans.

I think Thanos is going to be quite prominent in most of the movies in phase 3. It was announced that Thanos will be the main villain in Avengers 3 and he will have all the Infinity Stones by then. He will therefore have to start collecting them in the upcoming films, leading up to Infinity War.


Thanos will probably attack Asgard in order to claim the Infinity Gauntlet and the Tesseract in Thor: Ragnarok. Both items are on Asgard as far as we know.

The Orb

Thanos will then probably go after the Orb on Xandar which is under protection by the Nova Corps in Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

But the Aether's location is not known after Guardians of the Galaxy shows that Knowwhere, where it was supposedly kept, was blown up, so that will need to be resolved in one of the upcoming movies. Some people say The Collector still has it. We just have to wait and see.

The Aether. Where is it?

Finally, two more Infinite Stones are still to be revealed. One of them maybe found in Doctor Strange and I think either the Inhumans or Captain Marvel will locate the other. Both Tesseract and Aether were on earth. After all not all the Infinite Stones can be on earth right?

2014年10月27日 星期一



附近的另外一間酒店,ibis hotel。



早餐的餐廳叫Big Bite Cafe

由Bras Basar地鐵站坐地鐵去Bayfront,參觀今次行程最後一個景點,Gardens by the Bay。這是外母指定一定要來參觀的景點,因為她有一個朋友說這裡很漂亮。

Gardens by the Bay的Supertree。



回看Marina Bay Sands。


看完Supertree我們就去了溫室。溫室有兩個,一個是Flower Dome另外一個是Cloud Forest。本地人可以選擇只去一個,但是遊客一定要購買兩個溫室的套票。本地人買套票也便宜一些,只需要S$20。遊客要S$28。我和太太都是付本地人價錢。

先去Flower Dome。

之後我們進入了Cloud Forest。這裡真的是令人嘆為觀止。建議你先去Flower Dome再來這裡,先看Cloud Forest會對Flower Dome感到很失望。





Mee Siam

Mee Rebus


之後我們再經由Supertree及Marina Bay Sands前往地鐵站。


Check-in之後當然要去Bengawan Solo繼續血拚。



今天我們前往新開設的河川生態園(River Safari)。它跟新加坡動物園和Night Safari同樣位於Seletar Reservoir。我們在酒店吃完早餐之後乘搭地鐵至Ang Mo Kio站,要再轉138號巴士前往。

可能因為今天是公眾假期,前往該區的遊人都比較多,所以巴士也不用等太久。我們在10時10分左右抵達。之後要直接前往坐Amazon River Quest,因為我聽網上的意見訂了10:30的船。但是後來明白其實10:30的booking是由10:30至11:00都有效的,所以並不需要太心急。

Amazon River Quest和River Safari Cruise是園內的兩個付費設施。兩者都是收S$5。Amazon River Quest比較像在主題公園內的遊戲,並不刺激但是都有高度限制。主要就是坐在一艘小艇上,看看沿途的小動物。偶爾會向下府衝,但是其實都是很溫和的。

River Safari Cruise更加簡單,只是坐一艘像是街渡般的小艇,出去Seletar水塘繞個圈,15分鐘便回來。遊客可以看到動物園內的長頸鹿、大象等等,但是實在不是甚麼大不了的事。我覺得這個cruise應該包括在入場費之內。



小熊貓(Red Panda)也有。




American Paddlefish。

Alligator Gar,之前新聞報導說香港水塘也有發現。

不計大熊貓在內,個人覺得園內最好看的是這個Amazon Flooded Forest。


我們午餐準備回去Ang Mo Kio才吃。因此買了兩個大熊貓紅豆包來充飢。


在Ang Mo Kio我吃了這碗S$3.5的叻沙,好多螄蚶啊!香港真的沒有這種美味。

下午我們回酒店休息了一陣,然後外父母又去賭場。我們則去了Orchard購物然後跟太太的朋友在Dhoby Ghaut吃晚飯。